with Q-NRG+ Metabolic Monitor
Q-NRG+ is the next generation of Indirect Calorimetry (IC), enabling fast, accurate and intuitive Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) measurements.
Indications for Use
The Q-NRG+ portable Metabolic Monitors are indicated for the measurement of Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) for spontaneously breathing and ventilated patients, within the following populations:
- Spontaneously breathing subjects >15 kg (33 lb) when using a canopy.
- Spontaneously breathing subjects age >6 yrs and >10 kg (22 lb) when using a face mask.
- Ventilated subjects age >10 yrs and >10 kg (22 lb).
Q-NRG+ Portable Metabolic Monitors are intended to be used in professional healthcare facilities only (limited to ICUs for ventilated patients). Please read the accompanying full Indication(s) and Safety Information for Q-NRG+.
Experience the Q-NRG+ Virtual 360 Demo
Learn how Q-NRG+ enables individualized resting energy expenditure measurements at the point of care.
This tool is best viewed on desktop or in landscape mode on mobile.
Measure With Next Generation IC Technology

- ~10-15 minutes to run test (including warm-up time)5
- Minimal calibration time5

- REE +/- 3% or 36 kcal/day, whichever is greater5
- Range (0-7200 kcal/day)5, tested vs. Mass Spectrometry6

- Real-time, user-friendly dashboard5
- Downloadable data in PDF or spreadsheet format5
- Lightweight (~10 lbs.), easily transported between rooms5
- Portable, battery powered5
- Ability to test on ventilated or spontaneously breathing patients5
Designed by Clinicians for Clinicians
Q-NRG+ is a standalone indirect calorimeter for measuring REE in both ventilated and spontaneously breathing patients. Q-NRG+ was designed with the International Multicentric Study for Indirect Calorimetry (ICALIC).7
The goal: develop a new IC device that addresses barriers according to the needs of the clinician.
The conclusion: ICALIC partnered with industry professionals to design the next generation IC technology that is accurate, reliable and easy-to-use.7
Explore Products for Individualized Clinical Nutrition
Indications for Use
Q-NRG+ Metabolic Monitor
Indications For Use: The Q-NRG+ portable Metabolic Monitors are indicated for the measurement of Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) for spontaneously breathing and ventilated patients, within the following populations:
• Spontaneously breathing subjects >15 kg (33 lb) when using a canopy.
• Spontaneously breathing subjects age >6 yrs and >10 kg (22 lb) when using a face mask.
• Ventilated subjects age >10 yrs and >10 kg (22 lb).
Q-NRG+ Portable Metabolic Monitors are intended to be used in professional healthcare facilities only (limited to ICUs for ventilated patients).
Warnings and Precautions: This device is not suitable for operating in presence of flammable anesthetic gases or gases other than O2, CO2, N2 and water vapor. The device is to be used by physicians or by trained personnel under the responsibility of a physician. The device is not intended as a continuous monitoring device for surveillance of vital physiological processes. The device measures clinical parameters used to aid diagnosis and it is intended only as an adjunct device in patient assessment. The device must be used in conjunction with other methods of assessing clinical signs and symptoms. No modification of this device is allowed. Residue and other contaminants in the breathing circuit pose a safety risk to the patient during testing procedures. Aspiration of contaminants can be potentially life-threatening.
Rx Only: For safe and proper use of the device, refer to the User Manual.