IV Fluid and Drug Delivery

We offer clinicians a best-in-class infusion pump and comprehensive portfolio of sets and access devices to administer IV fluids and drugs for patients.

Graphic: The top 6 best hospitals use Spectrum Infusion Systems

A Smarter Pump to Infuse Medications

Preventable medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S.2 As a result, consistent use of safety features that help minimize patient risk has become increasingly important. Our Spectrum IQ Infusion System revolutionizes the traditional idea of an integrated smart pump with industry-leading drug library compliance and ease of use.

Advancing Single Set Technology

Illustration shows the typical process of cassette-driven scenario for patients needing to change sets at different points of care (in the Emergency Department, Surgery, Operating Room, and ICU) versus using Baxter's single set technology which may remain

Every setup and change of IV tubing sets carries the risk of touch contamination. Baxter’s single set technology reduces teardowns by offering a single IV set for both pump and gravity applications, allowing clinicians to easily switch from one to the other without changing sets, reducing the potential for touch contamination while minimizing waste and IV set expenditures.

Benefits to Incorporating Single Set Technology

Sets You Can Trust

From primary administration sets to ones for specialized applications, Baxter’s comprehensive portfolio meets a variety of clinical needs.