Premixed Medications
Because Patient Safety is Critical

Ready-to-use premixes offer standardized drug concentrations to help minimize medication errors related to compounding. Each container is bar-coded for bedside scanning to help verify the right drug for the right patient.
Addressing an Important Need in U.S. Hospitals
Preventable Adverse Drug Events
An estimated 1 in 400 inpatient IV drug administrations results in a preventable Adverse Drug Event, costing the U.S. healthcare system $21 billion annually.1
Hospital-Acquired Bloodstream Infections
In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention observed 19,188 central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) reported in U.S. hospitals.2
Compounding Errors
Intravenous medication preparation is a complex process, with 30% of hospitals experiencing a patient event involving a compounding error over a five-year period.3
Focused on Maximizing Efficiency in the Hospital Pharmacy
Baxter’s comprehensive premix portfolio offers standardized drug concentrations using a proprietary manufacturing process to help meet a hospital’s needs for commonly prescribed medications while helping reduce waste and time in the busy hospital pharmacy.
Medication Waste
A 2016 market survey of 60 hospital pharmacists revealed that, on average, 5-8% of manually compounded IV medication doses are wasted.4
Pharmacy and Nurse Labor
Although pharmacies waste a significant quantity of drugs, many do not have the ability to accurately quantify the potential waste and labor costs associated with admixing IV medications.3